Technical Process
Sip panels are made from the bonding of two structural panels of OSB-3 or Magnesium Oxide board using either a Polyurethane core or an EPS core as insulation. Sips are very strong and are up to 7 times stronger than conventional timber frame construction.
Eurosips can offer both - EPS and Polyurethane as well as OSB-3 and Magnesium oxide Boards to manufacture our systems to produce sip panels.
SIPS are environmentally friendly and ecologically sound. They are the building method for the future for building homes and many other types of buildings as they are faster and stronger to build. Utilising the sips method to build a home, school, hospital, or commercial building will reduce the cost of labour and the overall build time compared to the conventional building methods.
The sips building method design gives it great capabilities including exceptional strength and energy savings and material that is high performance. It is a building system which is very strong and energy efficient, and also cost effective.